NaPoWriMo 9:30 ~ ….but the writing must happen still….

when a
meandering mind
finds your vessel
drifting through
foreign waters
towards aimless
by the anxiety
that sudden storm
might sweep
this gentle boat
beneath the undertow.

clutter clutches
at your ankles
angling to suffocate
sensory input
there is the absence
of feeling here
coupled with
the awareness
that soon comes
that fated flow
of return
an emotional tide
the shoreline
like a phantom limb
refastened in place
nerve endings glow
alive again all at once
transmitting muddled

a vulnerable state of being
remembering old wounds
coated in new abscess
cathartic nostalgia halting
just shy of healing
an unusual place
where recollection of pain
is only partially preferred
to an unknown anguish
on the horizon.

Courage….for the writing continues still.

pen and scribbles